Development of a property acquisitions strategy for the Berlin-area

Strategic Consulting
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Immobilienwirtschaftliche Studie zur Entwicklung eines Nutzungskonzepts für das künftige Geschäftshaus am Forum in Berlin-Adlershof
Development of usage conceptions for the future „Building at the Forum“ at Science-City Berlin-Adlershof.
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Analysis of sites concerning their potential as locations for dormitories and student apartments
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Real-estate expertise for Regionalmanagement Schöneweide (Standorte Industrieareal Oberschöneweide und Nalepastraße – Locations Industry Area Oberschöneweide and Nalepastraße)
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Development of economically feasible usage concepts for three former hospital sites (ÖB IV, VI and VII) in the course of the development of the Region of Health Berlin-Buch as an integral location for the knowledge-based health industry
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Determination of fundamentals for the development of a concept of a residential atelier building for art collectors as well as a child daycare center with a focus on art / cultural education in the course of the development of the Stadthafenquartier South at Europacity.
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Development of a marketing concept for the completely renovated office building with 6,000 sq. m (built 1969/70).
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